Tech Takeaways

Connectivity around Liverpool with ITS Dave Ferry

Gardner Systems

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Welcome to this weeks special video for our local Liverpool businesses. In this episode we're joined by ITS Dave Ferry, discussing the topic of connectivity and the different options that we now have around the city. For more information on how Gardner's can help you with your connectivity, get in touch at


00:00:00 - Introduction to CTO Insights
00:02:01 - Connectivity for Business Growth
00:04:01 - Resilient Network with High Bandwidth
00:06:03 - The Impact of the Network on Businesses and the Public Sector
00:07:50 - Improved Connectivity for Schools
00:09:39 - Completion of Fiber and Rollout Project
00:11:34 - Connectivity and Specialized Services from Altnets
00:13:29 - Bringing Broadband Tech to Businesses in Liverpool